This year is your rebirth, you, golden hinges, brassy others and even you dull-like pewter ones. You will experience an electric shift as many “yeses” appear in your sign. Warrior planet Mars is retrograde for the next four months. His influence wanes giving you the courage to lay down the sword of out-dated convictions. Your motto has been, if I want something done well, I have to do it myself. Now the universe has your back. It’s bringing you into contact with like-minded people who support you one hundred percent. My six-year-old granddaughter announces: Nana, when you’re one hundred, you’re going to like everything.
The Topanga Sky taken by Jean Colonomos
Jean Colonomos began her career in the arts as a member of the Martha Graham Dance Company in the 1960s. She segued into writing dance journalism and wrote criticism and feature articles for Dance Magazine, The Village Voice, The New York Dance Calendar and other journals. At the same time she was also writing poetry and plays. Ms. Colonomos, who’s been published online and in several poetry publications, is an award winning writer in both disciplines. She received a Citation from the City of Los Angeles where she now resides for her play, BLACK DAWN, about psychogenic blindness among Cambodian women who suffered from Pol Pot’s genocide. As a poet she is currently a nominee for a Pushcart Prize. Her chapbook is ART FARM, published by Finishing Line Press. For more go to: jeancolonomos.weebly.com
This poem was written as part of a call and response series with Ann Buxie. Of this collaboration Ann said “I am fascinated by our need for another, however we define that—as something beyond, as some purpose or meaning. When I met Jean and we began working together, I found the friction I needed—someone that understood me, that allowed me to be, yet challenged me to think again. That understanding hinges me to Jean, yet we are free to come and go. We turn and turn, exploring what it means to be human.”