Editors’ Note
Dear Readers,
The poems in this fourth issue touched us both by what was said and what was not. Sometimes it is about the spaces left unfilled. Sometimes it is the quietest observations that are the most powerful. In this issue there are lines such as “it is crucial that the sun rise” from Cameron Morse’s piercing poem “The Crux”. “I’ve never understood people and their hatred” from Victoria Woolf Bailey’s “DANDELIONS”. “Nothing to do except live” from Leah Mueller’s “Merry Widow”. Truths stated so simply it is impossible not to hear them.
We hope that you can give yourself the time to sit with these poems and listen. Take them into summer with you. Let yourself dwell in the wonder of the happy and sad and all that lies in between. For any emotion, any problem you might have, we believe there is a poem out there somewhere that will make you feel a little better. A little less alone. Maybe, at some point, you will find that poem here.
Rachel, Dorit, Tamara

Background Art by Edward Lee
Edward Lee is an artist and writer from Ireland. His paintings and photography have been exhibited widely, while his poetry, short stories, non-fiction have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen and Smiths Knoll. He is currently working on two photography collections: 'Lying Down With The Dead' and 'There Is A Beauty In Broken Things'.
He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Orson Carroll, Lego Figures Fighting, and Pale Blond Boy.
His blog/website can be found at https://edwardmlee.wordpress.com