Walking to the library I see my shape

in the negative spaces of a sidewalk grate

caked with aspen leaves, 

in the halves of sky between the 

Iron sculpture of a figure-eight, 

in the bluish grass between brick walkways.

Ideas are often more comforting than

things. Setting my black hat on the table, 

I tell the pulp in the air 

what it all feels like and heavy. 

Today is a Monday. Today is not. I

am love walking down the sidewalk

I’m bleeding

Kendall Morris is a current MFA candidate at Brown University in the poetry concentration and a Tin House Winter Workshop alumna. Her poetry has either appeared or is forthcoming in Poet Lore, The Chicago Review of Books’ journal Arcturus, Sonora Review, Anastamos, and elsewhere. She was chosen as a finalist in The South Hampton Review’s 2019 Short Short Fiction Contest and as a semi-finalist in American Short Fiction’s 2019 American Short(er) Fiction contest.


Katherine Anderson Howell


Keshiia Rosenberg