They say that some

of the rings of Saturn

are braided.

They also say that

Rapunzel’s hair

was braided.

I am a skeptic for when I stare

at Saturn

through the old binoculars

I see two fuzzy

astigmatic spots of light

and Rapunzel has gone

punk, and I see only

an oversized

nose ring.

The sad thing is

that Jupiter’s red spot

is showing signs

of becoming 

a melanoma.

Louis Faber’s work has previously appeared in Atlanta Review, The Poet (UK), Dreich (Scotland), The Alchemy Spoon (UK), Arena Magazine (Australia) Exquisite Corpse, Rattle, Eureka Literary Magazine, Borderlands: the Texas Poetry Review, Midnight Mind, Pearl, Midstream, European Judaism, Greens Magazine, Afterthoughts, The South Carolina Review and Worcester Review, among many others, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A novel remains, forlornly, looking for a home.


Laura Ohlmann


Michele Mekel